Yeah.. the topic pretty much says it all..
This has been THE longest fucking weekend this whole year and not nearly in a good way!
Starting friday, my keys to the new apartment don't work and I was 5 minutes too late to get a new set. I was waiting on the parking lot with Hans, his girlfriend, a trunk full of my stuff and no fragging idea what to do. Luckily my classmate and neighbor Simon sent his key with another classmate and neighbor (Jonas) who came and delivered it to me so that I could dump my junk at Simon's place until I could get into my own apartment.
Ofcourse I was ALSO going to go get a new desk I found on but I totally forgot the adress and ofcourse I didn't take the sellers number. So I had to skip that.. :/
Me, Hans and his girlfriend drove back to Möllan where we ate at a falafel place. I had said that I was gonna buy them dinner but you bet my memory screwed me over on that one and I forgot about it. Sorry guys..
After we ate they even drove me back to my house and dropped me off.
I waited for Simon to come home and when he did he brought his friend with him. We watched a movie and drank a few beers. And since I couldn't get into my apartment it ended up with me sleeping on my blow-up bed at Simons place (thanks man).
Saturday I checked my mail, noticed the blocket seller said they found another buyer and wondered if I still wanted the desk, so I sent them a mail apologizing for not showing up and saying that hells yeah I want the desk! After that me and Simon strolled over to my place and tried the keys.. They didn't work. Later that afternoon I called the janitor or whatever and told him about my keys not working and he fixed it right away! Great service! On the other hand the elevator stopped working that morning. Yeah, I live on the 6th floor..
As I was waiting in my apartment for the janitor guy to fix my keys I hear this loud "PEEP" every 30 sec or something. It's the smoke alarm.. I dunno if the batteries are about to die or whatever but it's been "PEEP"ing all the time, every 30 sec.
Finally in my new home I started heading back and forth to Simon's place to get my stuff. But since the elevator decided to be a twat I skipped much of the boxes and heavier stuff.
Simon made dinner for us and after watching the latest episode of Dexter (s05 e01) I walked up those stairs again and realized how much I missed having a chair, or a table! All I could sit on was my blow-up bed. So, without much to do I took a shower and went to sleep. Well, I tried to, but that F*CKING alarm..
Sunday! Woke up several times during the night and finally decided to give up trying to sleep at around 9am. Took another, warm shower (hey it was cold as hell in my apartment!) and went over to Simon's place yet again, this time for breakfast. He had made freshly pressed orange juice, boiled eggs and tea. Breakfast was great!
After that we chilled at his place until I took some more of my stuff and walked home. Elevator was still not working.. Thought I'd go buy some food but those stairs killed me! "No way I', gonna buy a shitload of food and carry it all up the stairs!" So I just lay there in my bed and slept a little..
Woke up at 15.54 and was all "SHIT!" cause I had booked laundry time at 16.00 :P
After doing the laundry and homework with Simon I walked back up to my apartment with the laundry and then out again as we went out for pizza. Pizza was good :)
When pizza was gone :( we stopped by CityGross to buy some stuff and when we reached the house we said goodbye and good night.
Yet again I crawled up the stairs and got home. I realized I really REALLY need that desk and a chair, and maybe a table with some chairs too. Seeing as I couldn't do anything really, I repeated saturday's routine, ie. took a shower and went to sleep.
Sometime in the morning today, monday, I managed to tear a hole in my bed and the air began to go out. (Fugging radiator with sharp edges..) So now I have to get some duct tape too!
Then again, duct tape is never bad to have around.
When I checked my mail I saw the blocket seller had mailed me. "We can deliver the desk to you but it will have to be on sunday before lunch" COME ON KARMA!?!!? So I sent them another mail asking them to be patient and if they could consider doing it during this week or weekend. Well.. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Long post, but it was a looong fucking weekend..
Hope y'all had a better one!