Yeah.. duct taping the bed didn't go as planned. Air kept seeping out much to my annoyance as I was trying to sleep at the same time as holding a steady hand on the tiny hole to try and prevent the air from escaping. Well, not even Alcatraz can keep air locked in!
I woke up at 4.30 something flat on the floor and decided to try the floor next to the radiator as I was cold. Not comfortable, not comfortable at all..
So a "screw that" later I was in the shower trying to recharge my mutant superpower (being hot ;D) with a torrent of warm water.
I have to admit, one good thing came out of all this. I had some breakfast!
Old pic but I'll post it anyway since it's new to some! It's a mortarii elf and no, don't think I'll "finish" it. Of course the Mortarii are a creation of mine and belong to me, no stealin'!
Stackars storebror. Saknar dig massor! Hoppas hissen funkar snart och att du då kan införskaffa dig en riktig säng. Tills dess, massa gratis mortion för dig :D Kramar Syrran